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Airwaves: July 9, 2010

You Ask, We Answer ...

Q: You write about Glenn Beck and possibly Al Rantel coming back to local radio, but never do you write or talk about the #3 rated talk show in the country that has now not been on in L. A. market for now over 5 months. The brilliant Michael Savage Show, on in over 300 stations and with 10-12 Million listeners thru out the country.

With your influence, is there not a station that wants to have this very special show on it's airwaves? He is a very special talent, providing loyal listeners insight that none of the many other good talk show hosts can provide.

Please be kind enough to bring his many old loyal listeners  up to date on why he continues not to be on local radio and what the future holds. Thank you, Walter (via email)

A: You’re exaggerating my influence ... if I had any real influence, I could still tune in to top-40 music on KHJ (930 AM), K-WEST (now Power 106), KEZY (now KXMX, 1190 AM) or XTERA (690 AM). But I digress.

Savage has never been able to find an audience in Los Angeles. It certainly could have been the stations he was on -- none of which are in any way ratings powerhouses -- but I think programmers are afraid to air him here due to his history of, um, on air anger directed toward callers and public figures, to put it lightly.

If you have a good radio and can receive KFMB (760 AM) from San Diego, they air him from 3 to 6 PM weekdays. Or go to

Speaking of Glenn Beck, as expected the Inland Empire’s KTIE (590 AM) has added the program to its lineup, 6-9 AM ... the same time as sister station KRLA (870 AM) in Los Angeles. Chuck Tyler programs both stations.

Q: I appreciate your news of AM stations. My radio is on most of time and we resort to FM on weekends to escape the pill pushers. Where can I find Dennis Miller when Mr. Beck takes over that time? -- Wilma, via email

A: You are referring to the changes at KRLA, in which Beck displaced former morning man Mike Gallagher, who moved to the 5 to 8 PM shift, which in turn displaced Miller ... and so on and so on and ...

Miller can now be heard 8 to 11 PM weeknights. In case you’re interested, the entire schedule is Beck, 6 to 9 AM; Dennis Prager, 9 to noon; Michael Medved, noon to 3; Hugh Hewett, 3 to 5; Gallagher; Miller; Hewett again, 11 to midnight; and Kevin James, midnight to 3 PM.

Update: For the past 10 months or so, KFI’s (640 AM) afternoon dynamic duo John and Ken have been simulcast on KNEW/San Francisco (910 AM), except for the 2-3 PM hour. KNEW has replaced them effective immediately, with Fox News radio host John Gibson.

No changes are expected for now locally, other than the call-letters being used in the station's phone number again (5201-KFI). I'll keep you updated if anything comes up.


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