Radio AM to FM: May 30, 2003
This One Time, at Radio Camp ...
The Museum of Television and Radio hopes to make radio junkies
out of impressionable youngsters ... and I wish them well.
According to the museum, Radio Camp, being held this Summer, is a new week-long
class for children 9 to 12 years old that explores the production of radio plays.
Students will learn the history of radio dramas, and study voice acting and
the use of sound effects.
As a final project, participants will perform and record a radio play and take
home tapes of the performance. (You don't suppose KNX would be interested in
these for their nightly Drama Hour, do you?)
Two sessions are scheduled: July 29 - August 1 or August 4 - August 8, 12:30
- 4:30 PM. Classes are limited to 15 students; the cost is $140 for museum members
and $160 for nonmembers. For information call (310) 786-1035.
Popular KABC (790 AM) syndicated afternoon host Larry
Elder is planning to work less: beginning next Monday, Elder's program
will be heard one hour less each day, from 3 to 6, rather than 7 PM.
"I've had the option in my contract to reduce the number of hours of my
show to three instead of four," Elder said in a press release. "I
sincerely believe I can do a stronger show if I focus and concentrate on producing
the best three hours on radio every single day ... I will continue to stay committed
to giving listeners 100% of my energy and effort Monday through Friday."
My guess is that he made a big deal out of this being his decision because of
the time a few years ago when former management forced him to cut his show to
two hours a day with hints he was on the way out. This time it does appear to
be his decision; most likely it is due to his syndication deal, as syndicated
talk shows tend to sell better when they are offered in three-hour blocks. Either
that or he just wants to work less.
At any rate, the move advances all of KABC's other evening shows one hour: Al
Rantel starts at 6:00, Mr. KABC begins at 9:00, and
"the amazing" Doug McIntyre takes over at 12 midnight.
We Get Letters ...
"While turning the dial, I routinely encounter 'Liberation Radio' at
87.9 FM. It sounds somewhat amateurish, plays rap, reggae and R & B oldies,
and even has some discussion groups with inner-city teenagers. They periodically
reference a 323 area code. What's up with it?" -- Thomas Hunt, Baldwin
I don't know for sure, but it sounds like you found a pirate station. There
is no station assigned to 87.9 FM in Los Angeles, and I found a story in the
Los Angeles Independent (date unknown) that profiles Daniel Roberts, who runs
a pirate station at 87.9 from the living room of his Hollywood apartment.
How he gets away with it is interesting. Roberts claims that he is legit because
we are at war in Iraq, and FCC regulation Section 73.3542 gives authority to
broadcast on a temporary basis in extraordinary circumstances, "including
the continuance of any war in which the United States is engaged."
Of course the full section further states "where such action is necessary
for the national defense or security or otherwise in furtherance of the war
effort." I cannot receive the broadcast in San Pedro so I cannot comment
on how his station helps the war effort. "Technically you can use it for
the War on Drugs," Roberts told the Independent. "It's an awesome
"My L.A. time dates from the late '60s until now. I can remember a
station, somehow I think from the Inland Empire, with a DJ who sounded older
than the music he played. You could be certain every tune was out of the '30s,
'40s and maybe a little '50s. He was my favorite until the station was bought
out and he disappeared. Any ancient info or names come to mind?" --
T. A. Bross, via email.
I have no clue. The only person I can think of who plays music like that is
Chuck Cecil, and while his "Swingin' Years" program
has been around a while, he's still on the air so I don't think that's who you
are remembering. If I hear of anything, I'll let you know.
Copyright © 2003 Richard Wagoner and The Copley Press.
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